About Me

Hello! Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Danielle, and I am the founder of Spiral Staircase Books. I am a graduate of Brigham Young University-Idaho where I studied English with an emphasis in creative writing. My goal is to spread my knowledge and love of the written word by giving you a place to find great deals on books while also sharing your love for the written word as well. You'll be able to participate through giving book reviews and taking part in the various contests that will be coming up periodically under the contests tab.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact me at: spiral.staircase.books@gmail.com

To Submit a Book Review:
Send me an e-mail with the subject "book review." Make sure you tell me at the beginning of the e-mail which book you are reviewing. I also want to give you credit for your review, so please include what you want to be known as. That name (or username, or even annonymous if you wish) will appear with your review. Please include some sort of title with your review as well. Go ahead. Get creative! I look forward to hearing from you!

To Enter a Contest:
Send me an e-mail with the name of the contest as the header. Then simply attach the file to the e-mail. All other details will be in the contest description.

Want to Donate Books?
If you'd like to help Spiral Staircase Books grow so it will be able to serve more of your needs (or if you just have some books lying around that you've been meaning to get rid of), donate to the site! If you live in the Everett, WA area, send me an e-mail and we can work out arrangements so I can pick up the books from you, and you won't have to spend money on shipping costs. I don't expect donations from other areas as I won't be able do pick up books from you and shipping costs can be horrendous. But if you'd like to make any sort of donation that can go to the store or for contest prizes or whatever, send me an e-mail and we'll work something out. Anything you choose to give is greatly appreciated.